The most important task on any site is the recording of the archaeology. For this reason we have designed recording forms that are easy to use and understand for all our participants regardless of their experience or background

Recording Forms

Context Sheets

Context sheet are the way we record each layer during an excavation. Its the most popular system of recording and planning on an archeological excavation. .

Each excavated layer or “context” s given a unique "context number" and is recorded on a context sheet  Finds  from each context are bagged and labelled with their context number and site code for later analysis during work carried out after the excavation is finished

Trench Sheet.

This sheet records the description of each trench on site along with all the contexts within it

This is vital to allow the site director to keep track of all his various “layers”, where they are on the site and how they relate to each other.

This allows the site director to write a more accurate excavation report after the excavation has been completed.

Small Finds Record Sheet

All small or specials finds are recorded on this sheet so we know in what trench and context it was founds along with its exact location and position on the site.

Examples of what we would record are coins, metal objects, inscribed pottery or any object it was felt needed specials recording.